APA Ladies League Playoffs

APA LadiesDate:June 22nd
Location:Breaktime Billiards
Registration Time:9:00 AM
Start Time:10:00 AM
Division 703

Division 704

Division 705
Division 706
1. Not My Problem
2. Railbirds
3. Flip Flops & Side Shots
4. All Bust No Balls
5. Lucky Ladies
6. Jammers
7. WC is Rack em & wreck em
1. Bank On It
2. Fleabags LOL
3. Makin it Weird
4. Moons Of Medusa
5.Ball Busters
6. Girls Who Score
7. Salty Beaches
8. Chalk-Alot
9. WC is Girl Crush
1. Poolside Power
2. Bad Intentions
3. Screwballz
4. WC is Ladies Playing Their
1. Carolina Girls
2. Somebody's Problem
3. Don't Take No Chalk
4. Twisted Sister
5. Play Like A Girl
6. Diamond Girls
7. WC is Lady Luck
Local bylaws for Ladies Division

Reminder that all players on the team need to have four matches played any APA 8-ball format in the Spring session and 6 matches with the team overall for the year in order to play in the playoffs.

All players must have an established handicap, meaning a minimum of 10 matches played in APA 8-ball in the past 2 years in order to play in the playoff tournament.

All past dues must be paid in full.